
Amalgam Fillings need to be removed asap explains Dentist in Long Beach, CA

Amalgam Fillings need to be removed asap explains Dentist in Long Beach, CA

Information about “Silver Amalgam” Fillings,
Our Protocol for Removing Them, and

Basics Regarding Their Replacement  

The Dental Wellness Center became “mercury free” by discontinuing the use of mercury amalgam fillings well over 20 years ago.  The original rationale for ending their usage was that most all teeth filled with this substance would eventually fracture due to the expansion of the metal, sometimes “mortally” (down the middle) and need to be extracted, or require root canal treatment, gum surgery or both afterwards to restore the tooth properly.  Also, other materials were coming on the market that were approaching the longevity and positive attrition (wear) qualities of these fillings.  Another thing, which was not even addressed in dental school, was the fact that mercury vapor released during their placement could be unhealthy not only for the patient but also for the doctor and assistant.  It was also becoming quite evident from research that mercury vapor continues to be released after the amalgam filling material becomes hardened within teeth.  Realizing these facts, we have become “mercury safe,” which means that we not only don’t place mercury amalgam fillings, but implement safety features that protect our patients as well as ourselves.  The only mercury in our office today resides within the fillings of patients who may have them.  The following is some information about the metal element mercury, fillings that have mercury amalgamated within them, how we handle their removal and the rationale for their replacement.

Some facts:

  • Mercury is the most poisonous, non-radioactive, naturally occurring substance on our planet.
  • Mercury amalgam fillings continually release poisonous mercury vapor.
  • Even the American Dental Association admits that 1 – 3 micrograms (mcg) of mercury vapor/day is released from these fillings.
  • One mcg of mercury vapor equals 4,000,000,000,000 (4 trillion) mercury atoms.
  • They have been commonly referred to as “silver amalgam” fillings when in fact they are composed of only 35%  silver, 50% mercury and the rest other metals.
  • The amount of mercury released from these fillings can vary depending upon their number, size, amount, and duration of stimulation. (Temperature, chewing, teeth grinding, etc.)
  • Mercury vaporizes in incremental proportions from temperatures above 68 degrees F.  Our body temperatures are around 98.6 degrees.
  • Mercury amalgams have been banned in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and Germany and Austria have banned their use in pregnant women and children up to age 18.
  • Galvanic action between gold and amalgam fillings can cause a heightened constant release of mercury, even when they haven’t been stimulated.   

by Robert P. McBride, D.D.S., M.A.G.D.