
What is “TMJ”? by Dr. Robert McBride

What is “TMJ”? by Dr. Robert McBride

“TMJ”can occur from a traumatic blow to the joint(s), an improper bite relationship between the upper and lower teeth, or a combination of the two. The problem can also be magnified with certain general health conditions, such as osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. So, when someone says that they have “TMJ,” they are really saying that they have symptoms having to do with their temporomandibular joints and adjacent areas. This includes the surrounding muscles, nerves, ligaments and blood vessels, and can manifest in head, facial, neck and back pain, migraines and popping and clicking TMJ’s. It can also be evidenced by other signs and symptoms such as tooth wear, ringing in the ears and vertigo (balance problems). The correct term for this affliction is Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, but even dentists themselves use the slang term, “TMJ,” when referring to this disorder.
