
Potential Health Effects Expose Fluoride Dangers

Potential Health Effects Expose Fluoride Dangers

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything”—Mark Twain

In a 2006 report by the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences, fluoride dangers were evaluated. Concerns were raised about potential associations between fluoride and osteosarcoma (a bone cancer), bone fractures, musculoskeletal effects, reproductive and developmental effects, neurotoxicity and neurobehavioral effects, and effects on other organ systems. Click here to read more about the adverse health effects of fluoride.

Since the NRC report was released in 2006, a number of other relevant research studies have been published about potential health risks and fluoride dangers in dental products. Click here to read some of the warnings about fluoride.

Read more about fluoride dangers in dental products.